s Installation | Flowcourier Analytics


Installing Flowcourier Analytics for Umbraco

Posted on September 26, 2023

Flowcourier Analytics  require Umbraco v10 or later.

NuGet Package Installation

To install the extension via NuGet you can run the following command directly in the NuGet Manager Console window:

PM> dotnet add package Flowcourier.Umbraco

Alternatively, you can also find and install the NuGet package via the NuGet Package Manager GUI. Search for Flowcourier.Analytics in Nuget.Org.





Flowcourier Analytics uses standard Nuget.Org updating process. Basically remove the old package and install new package. See Microsoft documentation for more information. https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/nuget/consume-packages/reinstalling-and-updating-packages 


Install License


Once you have purchased a license you can install it by dropping the license file directly into your sites umbraco\Licenses folder. Flowcourier will automatically scan this directory for any valid licenses.